Greetings from the 10th floor at the cleveland clinic! The past few days have been very productive, yet also relaxing. Some questions have been answered, so hopefully relief is on the way. My hospital room has basically been a big party as it is always full of visitors which makes this way more bare able. I was put into a room with a girl a few years older than me who was here after a complication from pancreatic surgery. As far as roommates go, i couldn't have asked for a better one and her and her twin sister were very sweet and kept me company at night when my family went home. She was discharged yesterday and i wish her all the best of luck! sooooo i was hoping that i would have a private room for the night, score! i was very very VERY wrong. At around 11pm they brought in an older woman as a transfer from a hospital in Akron. She had no idea what her name was, where she was, or what was wrong with her. She did know, however, that Barack Obama was president…impressive. She had about 10 nurses and 5 doctors in our room all through the night. She became uncontrollable and wouldn't let anyone touch her or help her…it was a disaster. Meanwhile, i had taken my ambien and was forced to listen to all this screaming until 5 am! They were not able to transfer her and if i wanted another room i would have to be the one to move. So at 5am…hopped up on sleeping pills…I'm packing all my things and moving on down the hall. I was able to get a fantastic day of sleep…slept through breakfast, lunch, and all the way til about 5pm. This morning they told me that they found out i had a bacterial infection in my intestines which answers a lot of questions about why i haven't been responding as well as expected to the steroids. I started a strong round of antibiotics which should help kick the infection and the pain. The infection is pretty serious and is something that will need monitoring for a while to come but it sure explains a lot. Not to mention the best part is…drum roll…i now get to have my own private room for the rest of the time I'm here!! As far as the game plan…i will hopefully be out of here friday or saturday and then home to see my babies. The main goal for me is to make sure i have a long term treatment started before i head back home.
Now onto watch titanic and eat siam cafe. not a bad night….
Hang in there, Celina!! Thinking of you!