Monday, February 10, 2014

Hi Everyone! 

Sorry its been so long since I've blogged, I've been feeling so well that I've been busy enjoying the city, so technically I'm not that sorry! But in all seriousness, the past few weeks I've been feeling amazing, almost better than I was pre-flare up. This is all due to the high dosage of prednisone, which i cannot wait to get off of! This Thursday I'm meeting with my new gastro at Mt. Sinai. Im very excited to meet her, but she has some major shoes to fill. Dr.  Achkar has been my doctor from the beginning and he knows my disease history so well and has been a god send the past 5 years. Im still going to keep him as the leader on my "case" but its quite obvious i need a doctor where i live for small things. Achkar has kindly agreed to work with my new doctor so I'm hoping it works out! I originally thought I would be starting the Cimzia on Thursday but Achkar wants me more off of the prednisone first, so within the next month hopefully ill be starting on that. River was able to take a half day on Thursday so that he can come to my 4:30 appointment. For an accountant in busy season this is a MAJOR sacrifice. As I'm writing this at 10:30 Riv is still sitting at the dining room table working…poor man. As always, i majorly appreciate his support and him coming to the appointment is important to me. He will ultimately be the one to administer the cimiza to me so its important they teach him how to do that on Thursday. He used to give me my humira shots (they were given in the form of an epee like pen) but the cimiza are syringes and we have to make sure he is comfortable doing it. I swear in another world he could have been a doctor with all the stuff he's had to deal with because of me! Meanwhile, I've been taking the New Chapter vitamins and my probiotics religiously and feel like a new person. Anyone who tells you supplements don't work are CRAZY! Im currently taking fish oil, iron, omega-7, bone health, a multi, and biotin. 

We've used the past few weeks to majorly enjoy this beautiful city! I have to say that this whole time I've been a skeptic but it really is growing on me. River and I took a date night last week and went to our first broadway show. We saw the Bronx Bombers, a show about Yankee greats. It was such a "New York" show and River especially loved it because it was able to incorporate baseball history. We started the night at a deli near Rivers office and got a giant delicious corned beef sandwich. Not a huge corned beef fan, so I got frozen yogurt and ended up eating half the sandwich anyways because it was so good. After the show I mayyyyy have gotten a gyro off the street, because honestly, who doesn't love street meat?? This past weekend we went out with some other first year accountants for happy hour in times square. Although i don't get any of their accountant jokes, they are hilarious to hang out with and listen to them bitching about work is priceless. Afterwards, River and I went to Eately, an adorable Italian market with all kinds of cool Italian specialty things ranging from fresh pasta and cheeses to pizzas to seafood. You can walk through the market with a glass of wine while you shop and eat. To anyone visiting New York, its definitely a cool place to check out! We didn't eat at Eataly because we had plans to go to our favorite pizza place, Grimaldis, for dinner. Best pizza in NYC sooooo good! 

Other than just eating, I've been actively job searching. My goal was always to relax and get well before this doctors appointment before I started looking for another job. I finally feel like I'm at that place where i am healthy enough to commit and i have an interview Wednesday so cross your fingers for me! 

until next time, C


  1. Eataly is so cool! We have one in Chicago that I briefly checked out a few weeks ago. Hoping to eat there next time I get the chance. Good luck with the interview!

  2. Good luck with the interview and with the new doctor!
    I believe in River that he will be able to give you your shots like a champ! Shawn had to do some for me when we were going through IVF and was awesome. It's part of the whole marriage thing... ;-) meg
