So a lot happened today at my doctors appointment and some big decisions need to be made in the next couple of weeks. Firstly, my doctor wants to perform another colonoscopy to see how things look in comparison to the one I had in December now that I have been on the steroids for a few months. Colonoscopys are never fun but are such an important part of routine maintenance. Typically people don't need a colonoscopy until their 50th birthday, and this will be my 8th, I'm a veteran at them! So we scheduled that for next Tuesday which means I will have to stop eating on Sunday night and take the prep Monday PM. I was very impressed with my doctor this appointment as she knew my entire history of both symptoms and drugs without even pulling up my chart. She seemed really invested in my case and even consulted with some other doctors in the practice about what would be the next best option for me. My case is pretty tricky because I don't fit the "typical" pattern of a crohn's patient. The fact that my disease came back so quickly after surgery is not usual as well as the fact that my body simply hasn't responded as expected to any of the treatments that we've tried so far. Although this is somewhat discouraging, she explained to me that there are so many options out there that haven't yet been approved by the FDA but are in the process. This is why supporting research for these diseases is so important, it can really benefit someone like me who is running out of medical options!! When I was first diagnosed with crohn's in 2008 we decided to go with a drug called remicade. Remicade is given via an IV once every 6-8 weeks depending on how the patient tolerates it. Long story short, when I first used remicade my gastro doctor in Buffalo administered an incorrect dosage. I was actually getting about 1/10 of what someone my size should have been receiving. This caused my body to begin building antibodies and ultimately the drug didn't work for me. Am i hesitant that it will work now? absolutely. Dr. Schwartz told me that there is research out there that after a certain period of time and combined with another medication called 6MP that the remicade has proven to be effective. At this point, i don't think its a bad idea to try it again, i don't think it will hurt and it won't cross off a new option if it doesn't work. Remicade is a pretty experimental drug, it was only introduced in the last 10 years so not much is known about long term effects which is a little scary. Its an immune suppressant so I will have to worry about getting infections as my immune system will be compromised by the drug. Its actually pretty crazy, but the remicade itself is made from mice proteins, or DNA. My risk for developing lymphoma will also be raised 4x. These are all things that have to be weighed in on when making the decision to take a drug like this. In combination with the remicade I will be taking 6MP's which are just pills that are used for inflammation. I had an allergic reaction to the sister drug of 6MP, immuran, so we have to be careful that my body won't have the same reaction here. What is most important while on the 6MP is to monitor my blood levels very closely. I will need to have my blood tested weekly for the first few months and then bi-weekly once we are confident that my blood levels are staying stable. My abscess is also starting very slowly to come back and so she is putting me on 2 antibiotics to kick that in the butt (pun intended). Phew...long day, lots to think about. On a brighter note I got to go cuddle with the baby I nanny for yesterday and I get him for a full day tomorrow. Nothing to brighten your day like a baby.
Laters, C
Oh friend! Sending good thoughts your way. What a journey this has been & will be for you and river! Sending payers for your doctor too- i am so super relieved to hear she sounds invested in your case. .... And YAY for baby snuggles. Thank you for the updates.