The past few weeks have held major turnaround for me. Today is
officially 2 months since my surgery and looking back I cannot believe that
much time has past. The past 8 weeks I have been through hell and back but now
I am able to see the big picture, which is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Not to sound corny, but I am basking in that light. In the past week and a half
a switch just flipped and not only do I feel AMAZING, but I feel worlds
stronger than I have ever been. I have sure had my share of ups and downs and
there were many days when I just wanted to crawl under the covers and give up,
but all my perseverance has finally paid off and I couldn't be more grateful, I
am truly blessed. The problem is no longer not having energy to do things, it's
having too much energy and trying to do too much. At my last GI appointment, my
doctor told me he waited to see me back in 6 months. SIX MONTHS. I am used to
living in my doctors office, I know everyones name by heart. The fact that I
now dont have to go back for half a year is crazy to me, although I am not
complaining. I still have to have follow up appointments with the surgeon (who
is totally gorgeous by the way!) and with the derm for the shingles (which are
gone but still give me some pain).
So, instead of filling my time with
doctors appointments, I have found bigger and better things to do. Firstly, I
started back to work. I use the word work lightly because I strongly believe
that if you love what you do you wont have to work a day in your life. When you
work with babies as I do, missing 2 1/2 months of work is worlds in baby time.
When I left my buddy was hardly crawling and now he is a maniac running all
over the place. I dont know if I would have had the energy to keep up with him
We have also gotten to spend some
time exploring the city, seeing people we haven’t seen in years, and doing
things weve wanted to do but just couldn’t. One of the hardest things for me
post proctocolectomy was traveling, and in a city like New York that made things
very difficult. When getting places takes 45 minutes on a train and you have a
condition like crohns, your basically screwed. Because of this we missed out on
so many opportunities to do things that we would have liked to do. I for the
first time feel like I am in control of my disease instead of it being in
control of me. If I want to do something, damn it, im going to do it. No more
apps that locate bathrooms or planning everything around meal times (when I had
the most issues). I cannot fathom how anyone would be embarrassed of having an
ostomy or a bag. It gave me my life back and I am so happy about it I could
just shout it at the top of my lungs to everyone I know. I have to restrain
myself from telling everyone I meet “Hi I’m Celina, isn’t my ileostomy bag
cute?!” However, when I think of people who are embarrassed and hide it, it
brings me back down to earth about how although at this point in my life I am
in a good place medically, I wasn’t always, and I wont always be. We need a
cure. As great as I feel in this moment, Im not an idiot, and I know, chances
are, my disease will come back and find me further down the road. With my
surgery, after 5 years, 30% of people will develop crohn’s in the small
intestine. Each year the number goes up. 80% of crohns patients who have had
surgery will require another one. I have had 2 and im fairly confident I will
need another one. But that’s ok. It gives me motivation everyday to live my
life to the absolute fullest while I still can, and if the disease flares up
again, ill be ready and face it head on.
Something River and I both share a
love for is Cleveland, and with that, Cleveland sports. We can almost always be
found wearing some type of CLE clothing and watching a game. Since Ive started
feeling better we have discovered the Browns Backers, which is a group of
Cleveland fans living in the city who get together at a bar to watch the games.
Basically a little piece of Cleveland heaven right here in New York. I think
they have BB in every state and in several different countries, its awesome.
Not only do we get to watch the Browns play, but its really nice running into
friends we haven’t seen in years. Not to mention, I CAN FINALLY EAT CHICKEN
WINGS without pain. Hallelujah. We also went to watch The King’s return to
Cleveland. Although we didn’t get the W we wanted, seeing Lebron in a Cavs
uniform again gave and continues to give me goosebumps. If your not from
Cleveland, you wont get it, but to us, its deep.
Of course, everything cant always go
my way. With the many ups ive experienced in the past month, come some downs.
For starters my macbook crashed…the day after I deleted all my pictures off of
my phone. Losing those memories tears at my heartstrings, but it teaches me to
back it up next time. For once, River has been having some health issues.
Nothing longterm serious, but stressful and painful none the less. He started
complaining of some throat pain last week. At first we thought it was muscular,
but over the days we noticed a lump was starting to form and effect his
breathing. Long story short we ended up in the ER on Halloween and to both of
our shock, they decided to admit him because they couldn’t quite figure out
what it was and wanted to give him oral anibiotics. They probably wouldn’t have
admitted him if it was anywhere else but his throat, but they wanted to be sure
it didn’t cause any major breathing problems. So we spent the weekend in the
hospital. He was only there for 48 hours, but I was EXHAUSTED trying to balance
work, the dogs, the house, and of course being at the hospital every second I
could be. I have no clue how river managed it for months. My hero.
The holidays are coming up, my favorite
time of year. I cant wait to celebrate them HEALTHY and surrounded by the
people I love. Life is amazing, enjoy every minute of it, try new things, pay
it forward, and tell those important to you that you love them every day.
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