Well, today was the dreaded colonoscopy day. This marked my 8th colonoscopy in 6 years and my second in the past 3 months. You would think they get easier, but really they suck every time. I assume most of you have never had a colonoscopy so i'll break it down. The day before your colonoscopy you are not allowed to eat anything other than clear liquids (broth) and popsicles. I, naturally, always eat up until midnight the day before the fast. For such a small person, i really eat more than most people i know and the fact that i can't eat for 24 hours is always the hardest part for me. The night before the actual procedure you have to prep your colon. This involves drinking a bowel prep solution intended to clean out your insides. Drinking the solution is really gross and i always have a hard time keeping it down, especially on an empty stomach. Last night I went to mix the solution and after i had poured it, i went to shake it and the entire container flew out of my hand and across the room and spilled everywhereeeee. The solution is by prescription only, and by that point there was no way to get another one so i was send into a panic. I drank the rest and everything turned out ok, but ahhh, what an idiot i was! When i schedule these procedures i try to make them as early as possible so that i can eat sooner, but today my appointment wasn't until 1:30 so i woke up starving. When we finally got to the hospital i got to put on the cute (not) gown and get all hooked up to my IV's. When most people get colonoscopy's they are put under via conscious sedation which means your still awake but just really loopy. Ive had problems with that before where I for some reason still feel it so now they just knock me out entirely. My doctor wanted to do this colonoscopy to see how things look since I've been on the steroids. I've certainly felt a ton better since taking them and we wanted to see if my insides looked as good as i felt. She also wanted to have a starting point before I start the major treatment, remicade, next week. As it turned out, things actually looked worse than they did in December. This is obviously bad news, but the fact that Im feeling good makes it ok, it just means that we need to start the remicade asap. In December the majority of the active disease was in my colon, and there was none in my small intestine where I had surgery last May. This time, however, active disease was found in both the large and small intestine with some narrowing in both. I also have some pretty scary looking ulcers, which account for any pain or bleeding that i have. Overall, I'm not shocked by what we found today because I knew that the steroids were essentially a "bandaid on a bullet wound", meaning they were never supposed to fix the problem, but rather just hold me over until we found a solution, which they did.
Now time to watch the real housewives of NYC and eat pad thai.